sábado, 13 de junho de 2015

TAG: The 10 coolest things of my world

TAG: The 10 coolest things of my world

       Hii girls,

       In today's post I will answer a tag for you talking a little bit about me.
       The TAG is called: The 10 coolest things of my world, and it was created by a Brazilian blogger named Karol Pinheiro. This tag has 10 categories and each one must choose an object that means something to you. The categories are: Decoration, Book, Travel, Music, Footwear, Makeup, Idol, Sweet, Photo and Blog.

1- Decoration: I love decorating my room with photo frames and pricipalmente when the frame is drawn and has a beautiful finish. I think leaves the room with a cutest touch and suits almost every room styles depending on room frame. It is an essential item that can not miss it leaves the show an important moment.

2-  Book: A book I loved to read and was winning the Wonder because it coseguimos get a sense of how a person who has a physical or psychological illness live in the world and they really suffer from prejudice, but with support they can live happier people "perfect"

3- Travel: I have not had a trip that marked my life because I always go to the same places in Brazil, but my dream is to travel the world starting with New York, which is a place that delights me! And it is the city that is 24 hours awake imagine that cool! So when I live this experience story for you guys!

4- Music: The music that I have great passion is Last friday night, the Kety Perry. I chose this song because it was through her that I began to hear both international and Brazilian music, and she is a lively song that makes me happy. And in my opinion music you have to rejoice and be excited about the sadness go away!

5-  Footwear: The shoe that more use is currently my alpargata of ANACAPRI, love using it because it's comfortable, combining with many pieces and tells me a little because it is a rose pink and shows that I am a bold girl!

6- Makeup: My favorite makeup is my lipstick red matte. I chose it because I am a bold girl and love using items that draw attention, not to mention that it's beautiful! Lipstick name is: Balance of Dailus brand.

7- Idol: Currently my favorite idol is Dylan O'Brien, he is my idol because he is maravilhosooo and works very well in their roles as: The first time and Maze Runner.

8- Sweet: A sweet cliche: Brigadier, my favorite because it is so yummy!

9- Photo: I chose this picture because her station me and my family. I chose it because I think family is the foundation of everything in the life of a person and without them we are nothing!

10- Blog: Follow several Brazilian blogs that give me tips and ideas for many things and I like the most are: Boca Rosa Blog  ( http://bocarosablog.com/), Não Provoque (http://www.naoprovoque.com.br/), Niina Secrets (http://niinasecrets.com.br/)...

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