sábado, 22 de agosto de 2015

Three hairstyles easy to make.

Three hairstyles easy to make

       Hello girls! Today's post is a quick and easy tip three hairstyles.
       You know those days that you are sick of using your hair the same as every day? Then I have the solution, with only a few items you can create three polls and easy hairstyles to do. See below:


- Hair clip;
- Hair band;
- A hairbrush;
- A cream that adequade to your hair;

       Follow the Video tips below:


     If you tried to do any of these hairstyles, show us, maybe you appear here on the blog, send a picture of pentado to one of my social networks.

Social networks: 

- Instagram: @leananda_
- Facebook: Letícia Ananda
- Twitter: @aaanandaaaa
- Email: le_ananda@hotmail.com

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