terça-feira, 15 de setembro de 2015

DIY: How do polaroid photo without the camera.

DIY: How do polaroid

       Hello Girls! This video teaching how to make photos of the style polaroid camera but without using the camera. It is not too much?
       You know those photos that are super fashionable to use in the decoration of rooms and stuff? Those who normally see in film, Tumblr and need a camera specifies to strip them? So now you can have them, and it's super facinho to do!

       Look the video, and  make yourself a picture and send me on social networks to see the result.

  • After following the step by step video, you can print them on your home yourself, or have prove to be similar to the original photo

Social networks:

Instagram: https://instagram.com/leananda_/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leeh.ananda
Email: le_ananda@hotmail.com
Snapchat: leananda

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