quinta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2015

Dica de look para noite!

  Dica de look para usar na night!    

       Olá meninas, tudo bem?
       O post de hoje será a primeira postagem que faço em português no blog! No post anterior, contei que estava com duvida de com qual idioma continuava o blog, então decidi continuar com a minha língua natal, o português. Fiz esta escolha porque será um novo desafio e objetivo para mim!

       Então nesse post vim mostrar e dar a ideia de um lindo look que vocês podem compor e arrasarem quando usar!

       Ele consiste em peças pretas, como o shorts, a blusa, a botinha, e a bolsa, e o mais legal dele é a jaqueta branca e preta. Usei essa combinação para quebrar o cor preta de todo o look, dando um charme a mais no style todo.

       O shorts também foi uma peça que quebrou o estilo black porque é todo trabalhado na renda e estilo formal, sem contar que é de cintura alta! Um estilo de roupas que a maioria ama! E a blusa não preciso nem comentar, é preta, básica, combina com tudo e acha para comprar em todo lugar!

       A jaqueta é de couro e como disse acima quebrou totalmente o preto do look. Podemos usar peças como estas de diferentes maneiras, aqui optei por dar um charme a mais no look, porque só com o shorts e a blusa preta ficaria um look sem graça. Com apenas uma peça conseguimos mudar e muito! Caso você não tenha uma jaqueta de cores variadas, pode substituir por uma jaqueta preta, porém dará uma cara mais pesada na roupa e terá de preferência que usar a noite.

     A botinha como podem ver, é uma bota de cano curto e de salto que está super em alta neste ano e preta né meninas, porque nunca sai de moda!
     Os acessórios que vocês podem usar, mas sem exagero, são: a bolsa e o chapéu, todos na cor preta para não sair muito do estilo proposto. A bolsa é preta e básica, um acessório que todos tem e usam sempre, mas o chapéu é um item mais ousado e nem todos tem coragem de usar, ou seja, podem substitui-lo por um óculos de sol, pulseiras e colares... Ou somente não usa-lo. Quem ousa usar sem medo pode apostar que fica lindo! Dá um super charme e uma cara de look americano!


Jaqueta de couro: Marisa - R$ 179,90
Shorts preto: Marisa - R$ 50,00
Blusa preta: Silvan (Lupo) - R$ 41,90
Botinha preta: Narducci - R$ 200,00
Chapéu: C&A - R$ 59,99
Bolsa preta: Silvan - R$ 69,90
Batom vinho: MaxLove (Jabuticaba) - R$ 15,90

Resultado final

quinta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2015

What feels like to have a blog in English?

      Hello girls, okay? Today I came to tell you how was my experience of doing a blog using a different language!

How everything started!

       It all started when came the proposal made by my English teacher, to create a blog and we post on the subject of our preference, but we needed to have responsibility with the dates of the posts.
      As I said in the first post, I am Brazilian and my native language is Portuguese, with this the beginning of the project was complicated because I had many difficulties with the English language, so I thought this would be a barrier to the future of the blog. Then, with time and practice I was perfecting me in translation and it worked! But there was another problem that was when I thought, "I'll post?". It was very difficult to get content that people from other countries outside Brazil, had not yet seen and shared in networks, so it needed to be creative in relation to posts and try to associate Brazil with the world!
       But to be creative needed many professional tools that did not already own, then I improvised the most affordable way to me and tried to leave all fine and dandy for you blog followers!
       The blog ended up being a challenge for me, because I always had interest to enter the world of internet and loved, but thought it was not responsible and mature enough to know how to deal with some of the internet occurrences, but to know that should create a blog, and in ENGLISH, I had to turn around in thirty to achieve. I always had the help and support of all my family, my friends, the teacher, etc. and am very grateful for this today.
       The experience should last for ten months and now realize how time flew by because it's been more than ten months of experience and yes I intend to continue with the blog! But the question that remains is: I will continue to blog in English or Portuguese? Well, that's a question that still can not answer, soon tale for you!
       I thank everyone who was with me, helped me, supported me, visiting the blog and cared all that time!
                                                                                                                           Thank you, kisses,                                                                                                                                               Leticia

quinta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2015

Stay lean healthy!

Tips to lose weight with health!

        You are those who want to lose weight but is too lazy to start? Or do not know how to start? In today's post I will give some tips to lose weight and against some of my experience.


1. Eat every three hours, so that the stomach does not start to hoard food, generating fat;
2- Reduce the amount of food per meal. Do not eat excessively and not a food drop;
3- Add your list alimetos fruits, vegetables, foods with low fat and sugar;
4- Cutting food containing large amounts of sugar, as the refrigerant;
5. Replace all possivíes food in their rehabilitation, as mussela at white cheese;
6- Practice physical activities of their liking, so they helped you in weight loss and health;
7 Visit a nutritionist doctor regularly.
8. Begin rehabilitation from a physician to evaluate him his health every return;
9. Be sure to eat things you love, but eat them in days away from each other, such as on a weekend so and the other does not;
10- Have a lot of willpower, endurance, patience and never give up, because you will reach your goal sooner than you think.

My weight loss. How was it?

       I've always been a girl with a tendency to be chubby girl, because I ate many things not healthy in large quantities and many times a day. Then one day I decided that I would change, and that's what I changed all my habits, schedules and types of food.I chose to do a food re-education, rather than any diet because I knew in the diet, that would deprive me of various things and re-education or both.
       At first I reduced quite the amount used to eat, then traded pasta and carbohydrates ... by fruits, yogurt, white cheeses, vegetables ... and cut sweet on my list of alimentos.As meats in turn was something that also decreases and I chose boiled eggs, which are foods rich in protein and contains no frying. In the beverage only drank water and natural juices. Soda? I do not even know what that is.Another thing that contributed to my weight loss was to start physical activities such as walking and dancing. I love to dance, so it was something that perfectly fit into my routine, since the walk to not give up, came every day although the loveto school, because in the evening knew I would not dare and would not comply with exercise. 
       The hardest part was when beating that longing to eat pasta or sweet and I had to hold me, or when he wanted to repeat and could not because my goal was greater. Back loveto was torture because the backpack was heavy, the clothing was warm and the sun always torrava, but nothing is easy and we need to fight.
       There were times I thought about quitting, but I did not because I was determined to get.
If say never ate pizza, pasta, snacks, fast foods, brigadiers, cakes ... I'll be lying, but even so, eating all, my changes to add things to my healthy habits was what made the difference !
       At the end I can say I reached my goal and I lost almost 20 kilograms.

Of the dummy 16 for the 10.