sexta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2016

A tendência dos anos 80!


       Olá meninas, tudo bem? O post de hoje será sobre uma peça de roupa de moda muito usada pelas mulheres.

       Nos anos 80, os coletes foram peças que bombaram entre as mulheres, deixando seus looks com um ar mais despojado. Existem diversos estilos e tipos de coletes, que variam desde coletes de pano até coletes de couro. Eles possuem diferentes estampas, panos, detalhes, pedrarias...

Colete Jeans:

       O colete jeans foi uma peça muito usada nos anos 80 e nos últimos tempos voltou com tudo! Ele é uma peça coringa no seu closet porque jeans vai com tudo não é mesmo? haha É uma peça que não chama muito atenção, mas dá aquela diferença, pode ser combina com diversos estilos, desde o formal até o descontraído... Eles podem variar na cor da lavagem, nos detalhes dos botões e bolsos e no comprimento. Os mais simples possuem normalmente os botões e algum bolso, mas também existem os customizados, que têm spikes, taxinhas, algum retalho como detalhe... Não se esqueça que alguns coletes precisam ser combinados com peças de baixo da mesma cor e lavagem. Os preços variam de marca, lavagem, jeans mais grosso, detalhes, etc. Porém pesquisando você consegue achar uma peça barata e de qualidade. Tem pra todo gosto e bolso!

Colete de couro: 

       É uma peça que foi escolhida nos últimos tempos para ser usada principalmente em festas de peão, no inverno e em locais frios! Ele varia nas cores, estampas e detalhes. Os mais comuns de se encontrar são os de cores lisas, que possuem zíperes para fecho e com o estilo de pele de cobra. Diferente do colete jeans, o de couro possuí um preço mais elevado, porém você tem a opção de optar por uma peça que seja de couro falso, que sai bem mais em conta.

Colete de pano:

       Chegou com tudo e a tendência é permanecer! Pode ser que ainda não são tão conhecidos e que você tenha medo de ousar usa-los, mas pode parar que ele fica lindo e vai amar o resultado! Eles são peças de pano e que se diferenciam pelo material que é feito e pelo seu comprimento. Podem ser encontrados em diversos tecidos, cores, estampas, detalhes, pedrarias... São feitos com panos mais sofisticados e também com mais simples, porém o legal dessa peça é a combinação que ela consegue compor. Exemplo: Você está com uma roupa simples, uma saia preta e uma blusa branca. Com um colete estampado ou com uma cor vibrante ou quente, você deixa o look muito mais bonito e despojado. Os preços são super variados, eles variam do tecido, cor e detalhes, mas não são nada absurdos. Vale a pena investir!

quinta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2016

Nosso Instagram!

Para ficar mais pertinho de vocês!

       Olá meninas, tudo bem?

      Para deixar o blog mais moderno e conseguir ficar um pouco mais perto de vocês,resolvi criar um Instagram. Nele vou compartilhar e avisar sempre que tiver postagens novas aqui no blog, dar dicas e inspirações, além de alguns conteúdos exclusivos dessa rede social!

      O nome de usuário é: @hasitall_
      Vocês também podem acessa-lo através do site:
      Espero que tenham gostado dessa nova novidade e não se esqueça de seguir!


quinta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2015

Emagreça com saúde!

Dicas para emagrecer com saúde!

        Vocês são aquelas pessoas que querem perder peso, mas é preguiçosa demais para começar? Ou não sabe como começar? No post de hoje vou dar algumas dicas para perder peso e contar algumas das minhas experiências. Já fiz esse post no blog, porém estava em inglês, e como é uma dúvida frequente de várias pessoas, resolvi postar novamente.


1. Como a cada três horas, para que o estômago não comece acumular comida, gerando gordura;
2- Reduza a quantidade de comida por refeição. Não coma excessivamente e nem um pingo de alimentos;
3- Adicione a sua lista alimentos como: frutas, legumes, alimentos com baixo teor de gordura e açúcar;
4- Corte alimentos que contenham grandes quantidades de açúcar, como o refrigerante;
5. Substitua todo alimento possível  em sua reeducação, como a mussarela pelo queijo branco;
6- Pratique atividades físicas de sua preferência, para que elas te ajudem na perda de peso e melhorem sua saúde;
7 Visite um médico nutricionista regularmente;
8. Comece a reeducação alimentar com um médico, para que possa avaliar o seu estado de saúde a cada retorno;
9. Não deixe de comer coisas que você ama, mas coma-os em dias longe um do outro, como em um fim de semana assim e o outro não;
10- Tenha força de vontade, perseverança, paciência e nunca desista, porque você vai alcançar seu objetivo mais cedo do que você pensa.

Minha perda de peso. Como foi?

        Eu sempre fui uma menina com a tendência de ser gordinha, porque eu comia muitas coisas não saudáveis, em grandes quantidades e muitas vezes ao dia. Então um dia eu decidi que eu iria mudar, e com isso mudei todos os meus hábitos, horários e tipos de alimentos. Eu escolhi fazer uma re-educação alimentar, ao invés de qualquer dieta, porque eu sabia que na dieta, iria ter que me privar de várias coisas e re-educação nem tanto.
         No começo eu reduzi bastante a quantidade que comia, então substitui massas e carboidratos ... Por frutas, iogurte, queijos brancos, legumes ... Cortei doces da minha lista de alimentos.As carnes por sua vez, foi algo que também diminui, optando ovos cozidos, que são alimentos ricos em proteínas e não contém gordura. Nas bebidas só bebia água e sucos naturais. Refrigerante? Eu nem sabia mais o que era. Outra coisa que contribuiu para a minha perda de peso, foi iniciar atividades físicas, como caminhar e dançar. Adoro dançar, então foi algo que se encaixou perfeitamente em minha rotina, E para não desistir da caminhada, vinha  embora da escola a pé, porque à noite, eu sabia que eu não iria e não ajudaria no meu objetivo.
        A parte mais difícil era quando batia aquela saudade de comer massas ou doces e eu tinha que me segurar, ou quando queria repetir um prato e não podia porque o meu objetivo era maior. Voltar a pé era uma tortura, porque a mochila estava pesada, a roupa era quente e o sol sempre me torrava, mas nada é fácil e temos que lutar.
        Houve momentos em que pensei em desistir, mas não o fiz porque eu estava determinada a conseguir.
        Se digo nunca mais comi pizza, massas, lanches, fast foods, brigadeiros, bolos ... eu vou estar mentindo, mas, mesmo assim, comer de acordo com as minhas alterações, e adicionar coisas saudáveis aos meus  hábitos, foi o que fez a diferença!
        No final, eu posso dizer que eu alcancei meu objetivo e eu perdi quase 20 quilogramas.

quinta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2015

Dica de look para noite!

  Dica de look para usar na night!    

       Olá meninas, tudo bem?
       O post de hoje será a primeira postagem que faço em português no blog! No post anterior, contei que estava com duvida de com qual idioma continuava o blog, então decidi continuar com a minha língua natal, o português. Fiz esta escolha porque será um novo desafio e objetivo para mim!

       Então nesse post vim mostrar e dar a ideia de um lindo look que vocês podem compor e arrasarem quando usar!

       Ele consiste em peças pretas, como o shorts, a blusa, a botinha, e a bolsa, e o mais legal dele é a jaqueta branca e preta. Usei essa combinação para quebrar o cor preta de todo o look, dando um charme a mais no style todo.

       O shorts também foi uma peça que quebrou o estilo black porque é todo trabalhado na renda e estilo formal, sem contar que é de cintura alta! Um estilo de roupas que a maioria ama! E a blusa não preciso nem comentar, é preta, básica, combina com tudo e acha para comprar em todo lugar!

       A jaqueta é de couro e como disse acima quebrou totalmente o preto do look. Podemos usar peças como estas de diferentes maneiras, aqui optei por dar um charme a mais no look, porque só com o shorts e a blusa preta ficaria um look sem graça. Com apenas uma peça conseguimos mudar e muito! Caso você não tenha uma jaqueta de cores variadas, pode substituir por uma jaqueta preta, porém dará uma cara mais pesada na roupa e terá de preferência que usar a noite.

     A botinha como podem ver, é uma bota de cano curto e de salto que está super em alta neste ano e preta né meninas, porque nunca sai de moda!
     Os acessórios que vocês podem usar, mas sem exagero, são: a bolsa e o chapéu, todos na cor preta para não sair muito do estilo proposto. A bolsa é preta e básica, um acessório que todos tem e usam sempre, mas o chapéu é um item mais ousado e nem todos tem coragem de usar, ou seja, podem substitui-lo por um óculos de sol, pulseiras e colares... Ou somente não usa-lo. Quem ousa usar sem medo pode apostar que fica lindo! Dá um super charme e uma cara de look americano!


Jaqueta de couro: Marisa - R$ 179,90
Shorts preto: Marisa - R$ 50,00
Blusa preta: Silvan (Lupo) - R$ 41,90
Botinha preta: Narducci - R$ 200,00
Chapéu: C&A - R$ 59,99
Bolsa preta: Silvan - R$ 69,90
Batom vinho: MaxLove (Jabuticaba) - R$ 15,90

Resultado final

quinta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2015

What feels like to have a blog in English?

      Hello girls, okay? Today I came to tell you how was my experience of doing a blog using a different language!

How everything started!

       It all started when came the proposal made by my English teacher, to create a blog and we post on the subject of our preference, but we needed to have responsibility with the dates of the posts.
      As I said in the first post, I am Brazilian and my native language is Portuguese, with this the beginning of the project was complicated because I had many difficulties with the English language, so I thought this would be a barrier to the future of the blog. Then, with time and practice I was perfecting me in translation and it worked! But there was another problem that was when I thought, "I'll post?". It was very difficult to get content that people from other countries outside Brazil, had not yet seen and shared in networks, so it needed to be creative in relation to posts and try to associate Brazil with the world!
       But to be creative needed many professional tools that did not already own, then I improvised the most affordable way to me and tried to leave all fine and dandy for you blog followers!
       The blog ended up being a challenge for me, because I always had interest to enter the world of internet and loved, but thought it was not responsible and mature enough to know how to deal with some of the internet occurrences, but to know that should create a blog, and in ENGLISH, I had to turn around in thirty to achieve. I always had the help and support of all my family, my friends, the teacher, etc. and am very grateful for this today.
       The experience should last for ten months and now realize how time flew by because it's been more than ten months of experience and yes I intend to continue with the blog! But the question that remains is: I will continue to blog in English or Portuguese? Well, that's a question that still can not answer, soon tale for you!
       I thank everyone who was with me, helped me, supported me, visiting the blog and cared all that time!
                                                                                                                           Thank you, kisses,                                                                                                                                               Leticia

quinta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2015

Stay lean healthy!

Tips to lose weight with health!

        You are those who want to lose weight but is too lazy to start? Or do not know how to start? In today's post I will give some tips to lose weight and against some of my experience.


1. Eat every three hours, so that the stomach does not start to hoard food, generating fat;
2- Reduce the amount of food per meal. Do not eat excessively and not a food drop;
3- Add your list alimetos fruits, vegetables, foods with low fat and sugar;
4- Cutting food containing large amounts of sugar, as the refrigerant;
5. Replace all possivíes food in their rehabilitation, as mussela at white cheese;
6- Practice physical activities of their liking, so they helped you in weight loss and health;
7 Visit a nutritionist doctor regularly.
8. Begin rehabilitation from a physician to evaluate him his health every return;
9. Be sure to eat things you love, but eat them in days away from each other, such as on a weekend so and the other does not;
10- Have a lot of willpower, endurance, patience and never give up, because you will reach your goal sooner than you think.

My weight loss. How was it?

       I've always been a girl with a tendency to be chubby girl, because I ate many things not healthy in large quantities and many times a day. Then one day I decided that I would change, and that's what I changed all my habits, schedules and types of food.I chose to do a food re-education, rather than any diet because I knew in the diet, that would deprive me of various things and re-education or both.
       At first I reduced quite the amount used to eat, then traded pasta and carbohydrates ... by fruits, yogurt, white cheeses, vegetables ... and cut sweet on my list of alimentos.As meats in turn was something that also decreases and I chose boiled eggs, which are foods rich in protein and contains no frying. In the beverage only drank water and natural juices. Soda? I do not even know what that is.Another thing that contributed to my weight loss was to start physical activities such as walking and dancing. I love to dance, so it was something that perfectly fit into my routine, since the walk to not give up, came every day although the loveto school, because in the evening knew I would not dare and would not comply with exercise. 
       The hardest part was when beating that longing to eat pasta or sweet and I had to hold me, or when he wanted to repeat and could not because my goal was greater. Back loveto was torture because the backpack was heavy, the clothing was warm and the sun always torrava, but nothing is easy and we need to fight.
       There were times I thought about quitting, but I did not because I was determined to get.
If say never ate pizza, pasta, snacks, fast foods, brigadiers, cakes ... I'll be lying, but even so, eating all, my changes to add things to my healthy habits was what made the difference !
       At the end I can say I reached my goal and I lost almost 20 kilograms.

Of the dummy 16 for the 10.

quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2015

       Hello girls! Today's post is about BOOKS !!
       Why not join business with pleasure? You love to read and love the actors of the Pretty Little Liars series, I have a tip!
       Two of them launched their own books! It's not too?
       The Keegan Allen (Toby Cavanaugh) and Shay Mitchell (Emily Fields), made the launches of their newest books!
Keegan and Shay


       "Bliss," the plot of Shay's book, follows the life of a 21-year-old girl named Sophia Marcus who dreams of being an actress. Sophia Marcus, has already mapped all aspects of her glamorous life as a Hollywood actress in his view. But his life now in Toronto is nothing exciting. Meet fruitless auditions during the day and work at a club at night, Sophia is starting to feel like it is not going nowhere ... slowly.
       Demi Michaels, the best Sophia's friend, did not go to college after high school. Likes ideas for your own future, she puts her energy into building the perfect relationship with an older man. And when that relationship falls and burns arise, Demi is left to the pieces together.
       Sophia's friend (and great ally Demi) Leandra Hunting does not care for hard work or a loving relationship. She has other plans for his future. After graduation from college, Leandra prefer to travel the world on yachts, airplanes and limousines ridiculously wealthy men. Did any of them is able to show you what love really means, and what it can take sunglasses Chanel long enough to see it?
       Located in the exotic, intoxicating worlds of Hollywood, Thailand and London. Bliss paints a relatable portrayal of life in their twenties, with equal parts optimism and fear, hope and disappointment, expectation and reality. It is the Age of Uncertainty when you can count on anything, but if you are lucky enough to have a real good friend, you can survive anything. "

Love. Life. Beauty.

       Keegan Allen, and actor, is passionate about photography and poetry. He recently released his own book, with many pictures and stories about his life and those around him, "". His photographic journey passes through the PLL record sets, with photos, exclusive of personal curiosities. Along with photos, the author writes a caption for each time explaining them.

domingo, 4 de outubro de 2015

The new darling band of recent times!


      Sheppard is an Australian indie pop band formed in Brisbane in 2009. Their debut studio album, Bombs Away, was released on 11 July 2014, and peaked at. On the ARIA Albums Chart and was certified gold by the Australian Recording Industry Association, while their second single, "Geronimo", spent three weeks at. On the ARIA Singles Chart and was certified 5× platinum.
       At the ARIA Music Awards of 2013, Sheppard were nominated .for Best Independent Release for "Let Me Down Easy". At the 2014 ceremony, they were nominated for Album of the Year, Best Group, Best Independent Release, Best Pop Release, Song of the Year, Producer of the Year, and Best Video.
       In recent times they became known from its first performance at a festival in Brazil, Rock in Rio. Thus his music Geronimo broke out all over the radio in the world. So even in Brazil, have an interest in a series of TV Globo, call Malhação.

Sheppard in the Rock in Rio, Brazil. 
       The band was started to gain success recently, but it is an optimal musical option, worth checking out. See below some of their work:

quinta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2015

The series that everyone loves!

The Walking Dead

       The Walking Dead is a series based on a story of the same name comics. It tells the story of a small group of survivors of a zombie apocalypse. Most of the story takes place around Atlanta and then around the rural northern region of Georgia. The survivors are seen looking for a refuge and safe place, away from the hordes of undead, who are called by them, "walkers" or "biting" because devour people and whose bite is infectious to humans. The survivors have limited knowledge about what is really happening in the world. The plot of the series is geared primarily to the dilemmas facing the group, as the struggle to stay alive, the confused feelings and the challenges of day-to-day in a hostile world and pretty much dominated by the undead. The group is led by Rick Grimes, who held the post of deputy sheriff of a small town before the zombie outbreak. Together they need to acquire appropriate new means of social interaction now that the structures of society collapsed and reality has become atypical.

       The series consists of 67 episodes of approximately 42 minutes each, it is divided into five seasons, and at the time, the channels that display the same are reprising their old episodes since the beginning of the sixth season is scheduled for the day 12 October 2015.
       The Walking Dead premiered on October 31, 2010, on the cable television channel AMC in the United States. The series premiered internationally during the first week of November 2010, appears on Fox International Channels. Based on its reception, AMC renewed the series for a second season of 13 episodes, which premiered on October 16, 2011. With the end of the second season, again AMC announced that the series would win a third season consisting of 16 episodes which began airing on October 14, 2012. Subsequently, on December 21, 2012, AMC announced the fourth season of the Walking Dead.

       The same has many actors with whom the developer, Frank Darabont, had worked previously, including Melissa McBride, Laurie Holden, Jeffrey DeMunn and Juan Gabriel Pareja. All four appeared in the film The Mist, of his own, released in 2007. The main actors of the series are: Andrew Lincoln (Rick Grimes), Jon Bernthal (Shane Walsh), Sarah Wayne Callies (Lori Grimes), Laurie Holden (Andrea ), Jeffrey DeMunn (Dale Horvath), Steven Yeun (Glenn Rhee), Chandler Riggs (Carl Grimes).
       All followers of the series not see the time the new season starts, then the Fox station that transmits the series in Brazil, will make a marathon showing all episodes of the five seasons between 9, 10 and October 11, 2015 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday), with sounds and original subtitles and without intermission, to please all the fans and soon after, on Monday, broadcast the first episode of the sixth season in real schedule.

Comic book that is based on the series.

domingo, 20 de setembro de 2015

Fashion for men!

Fashion for men!

       Hello girls! Today's post will not be directed extamente for y'all women but for men!
       Today brought something a little difeente for the blog, I came advise that men can in this fashion and thus become beautiful!

       Let's forget the thought that man can not be fashion and you always have the same routine: camida, pants and shoes.Yes you can continue to use these three pieces, but why not change a bit the style of the clothes, the colors ...
       Nowadays, it is in high wear colorful clothes that respect each other, meaning that the colors combine to not get a look tacky. Nowadays the closet for men has grown from shoes, to the accessories.
      Out parts ever, in the fashion market today are not only the pants and common shorts, but those colorful, as details, larger pockets, with calls tears, "Destroyed", not to mention the diversity of shirts that came with the time, long sleeve, with or without prints, denim shirts, short social sleeved shirts, shirts with prints or color that can be combined with the pants and shorts ... The shoes are best known for tennis, however today there are also the Sapatênis, moccasins and accessory to complement the look can opt pos belts, jeans jackets or tailoring, blazers, denim jackets and leather, cardigans cold, sun glasses ...

See below some examples of combinations:

  • Colored blazer and pants with moccasin;

  • Combinations with denim jackets, has to realize that it really changes the look;

  • Colored pants with matching shirts, closed cardigans, denim shirt and tennis, having as accessory belt, the glasses of sun and the clock;

  • Colored shorts combined with jeans shirts, dress shirt and ordinary shirts, with the accessories belt.

terça-feira, 15 de setembro de 2015

DIY: How do polaroid photo without the camera.

DIY: How do polaroid

       Hello Girls! This video teaching how to make photos of the style polaroid camera but without using the camera. It is not too much?
       You know those photos that are super fashionable to use in the decoration of rooms and stuff? Those who normally see in film, Tumblr and need a camera specifies to strip them? So now you can have them, and it's super facinho to do!

       Look the video, and  make yourself a picture and send me on social networks to see the result.

  • After following the step by step video, you can print them on your home yourself, or have prove to be similar to the original photo

Social networks:

Snapchat: leananda

sábado, 29 de agosto de 2015


      Museum Catavento, São Paulo - Brazil.

       Hello guys, today's post is a cultural tip. It will be about a place that you can visit when you are in Sao Paulo, how about doing a backpacking trip in the neighborhood of the city? Despite the crazy traffic of this city, it has great museums and cultural sites to visit, learn and have fun too.
       Do you like to travel? If so, here are some tips on a place to visit in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

The Museum

       The Catavento is an interactive museum dedicated to science, located in the Palace of Industries in the city of São Paulo. The museum is divided into four spaces: the universe, life, wit and society. Aimed at young people, was founded in March 2009 by the departments of culture and education in the city.
       The museum is divided into four spaces: the universe, life, wit and society; and each of the divided spaces at various attractions. In the Universe room you can touch a real meteorite, see the constellations of the sky of São Paulo, to understand how the solar system works, see the life cycle of a star, etc. In the room of life, see the main attractions: biodiversity, coral, the beauty of the birds of Brazil, human evolution, dinosaurs, the human body, the genome, etc. At the mill, mechanical experiments, sound, electromagnetism, heat, fluids and optics. In society, the wonders of the earth, ecology, a climbing wall, the history of Brazil, a Chemistry lab and physics...

Museum entrance

      Inside the museum it is possible to perform many interactive activities that generally interest the public of all ages, who will visit it enters full of curiosity and go out with great wisdom, because there you learn a lot of theory and learn in practice as well. Inside the building you visit the sessions and never gets doubts as callouts always have to take your questions and guides within each session to talk about it.

       On the outside of the museum you will find a place full of exhibitions, and experience that you can experience, the place is well maintained and full of place to take pictures. You can see from a small aircraft, trains, statues of horses for exposure to a mini exhibition of how to capture the air. You can also get the view of some buildings in the city.

Landscape outside the building

Exposure train

       Entrance to the museum is paid, but it is an affordable price to everyone and have their student discounts. For more information, follow the tips below:

- Site:
- Phone: +55 (11) 3315-0051 
- Address: Praça Cívica Ulysses Guimarães, S/N - Brás, São Paulo - SP, 03003-060

       Besides the museum, you can visit other nearby tourist sites there, one of them is the Municipal Mercadão of Sao Paulo, home to stands of rare fruits, vegetables, dairy products, vegetables and snack area. A good place to kill hunger because it is also known for its famous  bread with Mortadella and Palmetto Pastel.
Address: Rua da Cantareira, 306 - Centro, Sao Paulo - SP, 01024-000
Phone: +55 (11) 3313-3365

Entrance Mercadão

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2015

Three hairstyles easy to make.

Three hairstyles easy to make

       Hello girls! Today's post is a quick and easy tip three hairstyles.
       You know those days that you are sick of using your hair the same as every day? Then I have the solution, with only a few items you can create three polls and easy hairstyles to do. See below:


- Hair clip;
- Hair band;
- A hairbrush;
- A cream that adequade to your hair;

       Follow the Video tips below:


     If you tried to do any of these hairstyles, show us, maybe you appear here on the blog, send a picture of pentado to one of my social networks.

Social networks: 

- Instagram: @leananda_
- Facebook: Letícia Ananda
- Twitter: @aaanandaaaa
- Email:

segunda-feira, 17 de agosto de 2015

Teen Choice Awards 2015

Full list of the Teen Choice Awards 2015 winners

       For those unaware Teen Choice Awards is an award that focuses primarily on teenagers, the ceremonies are presented annually by FOX. The first ceremony took place in 1999. The categories are based on the achievements of the year, whether in music, film, sport, television, fashion and more, the winners are decided by votes, young people and adolescents represent the majority of voters. The winners are awarded with authentic surfboards, stylized with grafix, which changes every year. The ceremony created the spin-off awards adolescents in YouTube.

See below for a list of winners TCA 2015:


Best Male Artist
Ed Sheeran

Best Female Artist
Demi Lovato

Best Male Group
One Direction

Best Female Group
Fifth Harmony

Best Hip-Hop Artist
Nicki Minaj

Best Country Artist
Carrie Underwood

Best Female Music
One Last Time, the Ariana Grande

Best Male Music
Thinking Out Loud, Ed Sheeran

Best Music Group
Steal My Girl, One Direction

Best International Artist
Super Junior

Best Country Music
Little Toy Guns, Carrie Underwood

Best Hip-Hop Music
See You Again, Wiz Khalifa feat. Charlie Puth

Best Rock Music
Take Me To Church, the Hozier

Best Lovesong
Changes Night, One Direction

Best Music for Endings
Bad Blood, Taylor Swift feat. Kendrick Lamar

Little Mix

Best Party Music
No Control, One Direction

What artist promises Burst
Beatrice Miller

Best Feat.
Bad Blood, Taylor Swift feat. Kendrick Lamar

Best Soundtrack
See You Again, Wiz Khafia feat. Charlie Puth (Fast and Furious 7)

Summer music
Worth It, the Fifth Harmony feat. Kid Ink.

Best Summer Female Artist
Taylor Swift

Best Summer Male Artist
Ed Sheeran

Best Summer Artist Group
One Direction

Best Summer Tour
On The Road Again Tour, One Direction

Fifth Harmony 


Best Actor (Drama)
Ian Harding Pretty Little Liars

Series Best Actress (Drama)
Lucy Hale of Pretty Little Liars

Best Series (Drama)
Pretty Little Liars

Best Series (Fantasia)
The Vampire Diaries

Best Actress (Fantasia)
Nina Dobrev, The Vampire Diaries

Best Actor (Fantasia)
Jared Padalecki, Supernatural

Best Series (Comedy)
The Big Bang Theory

Best Actress (Comedy)
Lea Michele, Glee / Scream Queens

Best Actor (Comedy)
Ross Lynch, Austin & Ally

Best Summer Actor
Tyler Blackburn Pretty Little Liars

Best Summer Actress
Ashley Benson of The Pretty Little Liars

Rookie Series

Best Comedian
Ellen DeGeneres

Best Series (Animation)
Family Guy

Best Reality Show (Competition)
The Voice

Best Villain
Vanessa Ray (A), Pretty Little Liars

Best Artist "steals"
Dylan O'Brien, Teen Wolf

Best New Artist
Grant Gustin, of The Flash

Best "smack"
Ian Somerhalder and Nina Dobrev, The Vampire Diaries

Best Chemistry
Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins from Supernatural

Summer Series
Teen Wolf

Actors of the series Pretty Little Liars,


Best Villain PL
Bella Thorne, of D.U.F.F.

Best Summer Actor
Channing Tatum, Magic Mike XXL

Best Summer Actress
Delvingne face of Paper Towns

Best Artist "steals scene"
Chris Evans, The Avengers: Age of Ultron

Best New Artist
Cara Delevingne, Paper Towns

Cast Top Chemistry
Anna Kendrick and Brittany Snow, A Perfect Choice 2

Best "smack"
Shailene Woodley and Theo James, of Insurgente

Best "piti" film
Anna Kendrick, A Perfect Choice 2

Best Actor (Fantasia)
Josh Hutcherson, The Hunger Games: Hope - Part 1

Best Actress (Fantasia)
Jennifer Lawrence, The Hunger Games: Hope - Part 1

Best Actor (Drama)
Scott Eastwood in A Long Day

Best Actress (Drama)
Chloë Grace Moretz, of If I Stay

Best Picture (Drama)
If I Stay

Best Actor (Comedy)
Skylar Astin, A Perfect Choice 2

Best Actress (Comedy) OK
Anna Kendrick, A Perfect Choice 2

Best Film (Fantasy)
Hunger Games: Hope - Part 1

Best Movie (Action)
Fast and Furious 7

Best Actor (Action)
Paul Walker in Fast and Furious 7

Best Actress (Action)
Shailene Woodley, of Insurgente

Best Picture (Comedy)
The Perfect Choice 2

Best Summer Movie
Paper cities

Best Summer Artist
Channing Tatum

Nina Dobrev actress of the series The Vampire Diaries.


Celebrity Female Media
Bethany Mota

Celebrity Media Male
Cameron Dallas

best Comedian
Colleen Ballinger

Web Musician
Shawn Mendes

Fashion Web
Zoe Sugg

King of Social Media
Justin Bieber

Queen of Social Media
Caitlyn Jenner

Best Viner
Cameron Dallas

Best Instagramer
Ariana Grande

Best YouTuber
Kian Lawley

Best Twitter
Taylor Swift

Best Fandom

Shawn Mendes canadian singer.


Best "Tirador of Selfie"
One Direction

Best Dancer
Chloe Lukasiak

Best Model
Kendall Jenner

More artist Gata
Fifth Harmony

More artist Cat
One Direction


Best Male Athlete
Stephen Curry

Best Female Athlete
The U.S. Womens National Soccer Team

Stephen Curry NBA player.

sábado, 8 de agosto de 2015

Tag: 3 lipsticks favorite

Tag: 3 lipsticks favorite

       Hello girls, the post today is about FASHION, and yes, makeup. Today I came to show you guys my 3 favorite lipsticks. Just below the photos you guys can fix the price, where to buy and lipstick name.I hope you enjoy!

1- Faces Natura lipstick, name: Wine 40, is a moisturizing lipstick, amounting to R $ 17.90. You can find to buy catalágos Natura, or ready in comes with brand dealers.

2- Lipstick Dailus PRO, name: 26 - Half tip, it is liquid, has the matte effect, amounting to approximately R $ 16.90 and can be found in pharmacies, cosmetic stores and internet.

3- Lipstick Dailus PRO, name: 14 - Bouncer, it is liquid, has the matte effect, amounting to approximately R $ 16.90 and can be found in pharmacies, cosmetic stores and internet.

sábado, 1 de agosto de 2015

The boy in the striped Pyjamas

Movie review: The boy in the striped Pyjamas.

       The film "The boy in the striped pajamas" is derived from a book of the same name, author John Boyne, directed by Mark Herman and premiere took place on 12 December 2008 with duration of 1 hour and 34 minutes.
       It's an interesting story about the friendship between two boys from completely different worlds who are going through World War II.
       The plot tells about the life of Bruno, a boy of eight years played by actor Asa Butterfild and Shmuel, his friend of similar age. Bruno is the son of a Nazi officer and on behalf of labor, the father takes on a new role in a concentration camp, having to move the family to a remote area of all.
       From the window of her new room, the main character can see a fence with several people dressed in striped clothing, arousing their curiosity. All problems start when he decides to play to explore space and ends up coming to the same place that looked good from a distance.
       One of the most interesting points is that the character Bruno can act with such innocence and daring at the same time that makes readers watch and emocionem with the end of moving plot.
       The film has few scenarios, which ends up leaving him unattractive. But the story itself shows a true friendship that overcomes all barriers. This is observed throughout the film, when Bruno decides to face everyone to explore further. Often the little scenarios and vocabulary used in the film, people use it to portray Nazism in a less harsh way for people of all ages can attend.

segunda-feira, 27 de julho de 2015

5 apps of the moment!

My favorite mobile apps!

       Hello girls, forgive me for these weeks without post, but I guarantee that from now on we will have news and posts every Saturday!
       Today's post is about some mobile apps that I'm loving use, and an amazing thing is that all of them can be downloaded for free on Android and IOS. Not is too much? I hope you enjoy the post!


       For those who do not know, is a social network known worldwide, where you can take and edit photos with filters, not to mention to be able to share your photo with the people who follow you. A possitivo point Instragram is the ability to post your photos with other networks such as Facebook, Tumblr, Flickr and Twitter.

2º Snapchat

      Is an application that you can take pictures or videos with up to 10 seconds and send to your friends, or else put in "his story" available for twenty-four hours for all the people added. I confess that I am not much to put pictures for everyone, but I love to see the history of my friends and some famous. Below are some of famous snapchats for you also stay on top of everyday life of your idols:
  • Ariana Grande – moonlightbae
  • Ashley Benson – benzo33
  • Austin Mahone – yungmahone
  • Carly Rae Jepsen – craejepsen
  • Calvin Harris – calvinharris
  • Channing Tatum – channingtatum
  • Chris Brown – chrisMBrown89
  • David Guetta – davidguettaoff
  • Drake – run416
  • Fifth Harmony – fifthharmony
  • Harry Styles – h.estyles
  • James Franco – jamesfranco
  • Jennifer Lopez – jlobts
  • Joe Jonas – joseadam
  • Justin Bieber – rickthesizzler
  • Kevin Jonas – kevinjonasii
  • Madonna – madonna
  • Maroon 5 – maroon5
  • Miley Cyrus – mileycyrus
  • Nick Jonas – jicknonas
  • Paris Hilton – realparishilton
  • Rihanna – rihanna
  • Robert Pattinson – r.Patterson86
  • Shay Mitchell – officialshaym
  • Troian Bellisario – gaia17

3º We Heart It

       The We Heart It is a "Tumblr" available at computer and cell phone, is a social networking and beautiful and unbelievable photos, there you can find everything from abstract images to fashion.

4º Fotor

       It is a sensational photo editor is very similar to the Afterlights in some aspects, but as is a free application it is very efficient. It has editions of options from basic, to advanced.

5º Shazam

       It is a music application that recognizes any music piece you are playing. It is very useful when I'm listening to the radio and do not know the name of Muscia. Helps.